A Quick Guide to Agmatine

A Quick Guide to Agmatine

A Quick Guide to Agmatine


Decarboxylated arginine/(4-aminobutyl)guanidine or better known as agmatine, is a metabolite or a by-product of the popularly known amino acid, l-arginine (arginine). Basically, agmatine is arginine without the carboxylic acid. It functions as neuromodulator and neurotransmitter. A lot of people like to call it “Super Arginine”. Sometimes, agmatine come in the form of agmatine sulfate supplements. Do not panic, it is the same agmatine that we are talking about.


  1. Agmatine increases blood flow

Agmatine is associated with many pre-workout boosters because it helps in the vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) for better blood flow, and your focus since it is a neurotransmitter.  Better blood circulation or “pump” is essential in exercise because it helps you become more energized and more productive, because of the increased amount of oxygen that the blood carries to different parts of your body.

  • Agmatine induces production of growth hormone, nitric oxide, and creatine and protein

Growth Hormone

It has been reported that growth hormone (somatotrophin) has metabolic effects. Growth hormone acts as stimulus to protein metabolism reflected on increased protein synthesis and decreased oxidation of proteins; to fat metabolism by stimulating triglyceride breakdown and oxidation in adipocytes; to carbohydrate metabolism as it maintains blood glucose within a normal range.

Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide acts as an aide for vasodilation, and thus helps increase workout exercises.


Protein is an energy source of the body, alongside carbohydrates and fats. It is also the building blocks of muscle. Increased protein can enhance your performance.

  • Aids removal of Nitrogen Waste Products

Nitrogenous waste products include ammonia and uric acid. These must be secreted from the body. If not, these will cause hazards that are detrimental to health.


  1. Gastrointestinal Disturbances- Overdosing with agmatine may lead to gastrointestinal disturbances such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.
  2. Reduced Overall Pain tolerance- Studies show that with high dosage of agmatine, subjects had an increased level of pain intolerance.


Agmatine supplements should be taken first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, and then 30-45 minutes prior to exercise if used as pre-workout booster.

The generally accepted daily dosage range for Agmatine Sulfate is between 250 mg and 2.5 grams. Avoid taking higher than necessary dosages to reduce the risk of side effects. For athletes, bodybuilders and endurance runners, a common combination is a 500 mg Agmatine dosage with 2.5 grams of the amino acid Betaine.

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