Making Gains Guide to Taurine

Making Gains Guide to Taurine


Monster, Redbull, and alike. These are energy drinks that are commonly associated with Taurine. With that being known, you may probably think that Taurine is an energy booster, or if not, it does have something to do with energy.  But have you heard about the news that Taurine is not just for energy drink lovers, but also shares benefits to gym goers and body builders.

2-aminoethanesulfonic acid or more popularly known as Taurine, is a conditional amino acid. It can be produced within the body. And though, it can be found throughout the body, it is primarily found within the muscle and nerve tissue. It is the second most abundant amino acids muscle group.


  1. Taurine helps stimulate the muscle. Supplementation significantly increases the amino acid content in skeletal muscle. Plus, it increases force and greater resistance, and recover after fatigue. If other amino acids fight fatigue, Taurine, then helps you get back up from it. Moreover, due to its effects on muscle, it helps you extend your workout, increase muscle cell volume, and increase strength.
  2. Taurine works like creatine in terms of improving water balance (thus, preventing dehydration) and nutrient uptake within the muscles.
  3. Taurine, being put in energy drinks increases awareness
  4. Taurine has sedative effects that can help someone with neurological disorders
  5. Taurine supplementation strengthens and protects the heart by mitigating the damaging effects of fats, glucose, and excess insulin. This is important to athletes, because, the ability of the heart to pump blood for all types of activities is an essential part of workout.


So far, there haven’t been claims on the negative effects of Taurine. But since it can mitigate anxiety and has components of being a sedative to help someone with neurological disorders, it may counteract the effect of caffeine in energy drinks. However, it does not permit you to overdose yourself with Taurine, because anything that’s excessive, is as bad as anything that’s deficient.


Dosing depends on your body needs. But generally, defines a dosage of less than 3,000 mg per day.


For more details, seek attention from nutritional and supplement experts. Contact us!

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