08 Aug The Simple Guide to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
If you think you’re spending too long and too much in those gym treadmills and stationary bicycles, then you might be needing something else. The power of high intensity interval training should not be underestimated. In just a couple of minutes, it can change something in your muscle. But first, let us find out what it is.
What is it?
High intensity interval training is a form of strength training that involves short bursts of vigorous activity, interspersed by periods of rest/low-intensity. That would mean 30 seconds of extreme exercise and 10 seconds of rest intervals. According to American College of Sports Medicine, The recovery periods may last equally as long as the work periods and are usually performed at 40% to 50% of a person’s estimated maximal heart rate. HIIT is a very effective and efficient way for rapid body composition improvement. The reason why so many people love this form of training is that, they do not get to spend much time and money in the gym, they just need to push themselves as far and as hard as they could.
Benefits of HIIT
- Aerobic and anaerobic fitness
- Leaner body
- Body mass and abdominal fat
- After burn effect or cardiovascular health
- insulin sensitivity (which helps the exercising muscles more readily use glucose for fuel to make energy)
- And so much more!
The Role of Progressive Overload
Progressive overload means an additional load along the progress of work out. This is important because, without it, there won’t be neuromuscular adaptation. Before muscular development and everything else, neuromuscular adaptation must take place first.
According to, Ashley Kavanaugh in her article, “The Role of Progressive Overload in Sports Conditioning”:
“Progressive overload involves applying stimulus. The human body’s reaction to a training stimulus can be described as the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). The GAS concept further explains the need for progressive overload in a training environment. Three stages are involved in the response to stress; alarm, resistance, and exhaustion (1). The body undergoes the alarm phase when a new or intense stress is placed on the body. An athlete may experience extreme soreness or a temporary drop in performance during this time. The resistance phase follows, and results in the body adapting to the stimulus and returning to normal. Again, neurological adaptations are the first to take place, while muscular adaptations appear later. The exhaustion phase results if the training stress persists for too long. Overtraining, mental fatigue, and other symptoms may accompany this phase as well (1). It is ideal to avoid the exhaustion phase, and is possible with proper periodization and adequate recovery. Through the use of periodization, an athlete can continuously challenge the body with progressive overload, while avoiding plateaus or detriments to training.”
It means that one must move to a higher intensity training depending on the period of trainings, until he reaches his optimal capacity.
The Safety before Implementation of HIIT
People who are living inactive or sedentary lives might have greater risks in this form of training. This is due to their cardio that is not being exercised from time to time. They might have heart attacks or some form of unexpected occurrences relating to their health. Cigarette smoking, hypertension, diabetes (or pre-diabetes), abnormal cholesterol levels and obesity will increase this risk. So if you want to be safe before getting involved in High Intensity Trainings, you might want to consult your physician or doctor first.
You must also ask a trainer to develop an HIIT plan for you, because that way, you will have a healthier training rather than a riskier one.
If you would like any more information on HIIT, feel free to contact us here at Making Gains. We are always happy to help, and that’s why we have the best customer service in the industry. Our well trained staff will have you sorted in no time!
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